Over the years I've cycled its lead to a progression in the sorts of clothing etc I've worn. In the beginning I purchased a raleigh pioneer hybrid which now serves as my turbotrainer bike. I rode this initially wearing jeans and t-shirt as many probably do to this day. After a few weeks this was enhanced with padded undershorts, then a helmet!, then ronhill tracksters. Yes the order of priorities was most definitely wrong but the comfort of riding was improving. Nowadays I'm in standard cycling outfit, lycra shorts, Altura top, Giro helmet. It makes a big difference to cycling comfort and I like many learned this through riding experience. On top of the clothing described I've omitted one item that I actually do feel naked if I leave the house without, a little like driving the car without the seatbelt on. I feel vunerable without them partly because of several bad experiences prior to having them..... cycling glasses. In my formative months on the bike I had flies, bees, stones from passing cars, this all made me realise they're essential as you just never know whats coming next. These essential items are also traded at high prices on style, brand name etc but there are alternatives that I've been using for many years at extremely low cost yet surprisingly never appear in magazine reviews of low cost kit. The following links will give you an idea of whats available:-
RS Safety Glasses
Now there are extremely unwieldy, unfashionable ones but in among these are styles similar to this which aren't bad at under £3!
All tend to be scratch resistant, UV A+B protection and the critical one, impact resistant. A nice low cost option that can be happily broken without a remortgage. Definitely worth a cursary look even if you do still want those diamond studded Oakleys.
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